
The world has entered into an age where data, information systems and devices are all connected so intrinsically that hyperconnectivity is now proving to be the future. Looking at the evolution of the fifth-generation wireless (5G) technology for example, it may be tantalising to stream and download files on a mobile device quicker, but that’s […]

Industrial work sites are full of risks from welding sparks to corrosive chemicals, energetic electrical conductors, confined spaces or loose valve fittings, the list goes on and on. Sometimes, a ‘little’ incident can turn into a hazardous one if not handled properly and with care. In managing and approving the permit-to-work process, frontline operators usually

There was a time when our television screen came alive with human-like robots performing the most outrageous of stunts, while tales of machines taking over the world took our imaginations far away, bringing to life the concept of artificial intelligence (AI). Chances are you’ve read about AI as a technology, transforming our every walk of

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