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CENTURION: Self-service security scan automation

CENTURION: Self-service security scan automation

July 26, 2021

In today’s challenging technology driven world, Malaysians are now more concerned about cyber security issues like data breaches, scams and worse, hackers! Thus, knowing how to protect our information more securely and instantaneously has become extremely vital. Centurion is a “self-service security scan automation” that provides code check-up against vulnerabilities and many other threats. Find out how it can help and provide peace of mind!

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5G Security – Nothing New but Need to Care

April 21, 2021

5G promises to start a revolution that goes far beyond faster browsing and clearer calls. Its service implementation and use will lead to greater number of connections as well as larger amount of data being transferred providing greater opportunities for hackers to find a way in. Find out the importance of 5G and security and what telecom providers need to consider when implementing 5G services.

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